35th ECNP Congress: updates and deadlines
Abstract submission: deadline approaching
The abstract submission deadline for the 35th ECNP Congress is drawing steadily closer.
Submit your abstract(s) on or before 10 May 2022 and showcase your research before Europe's largest audience of clinicians and researchers in applied neuroscience!

You will also find videos to help you write a perfect abstract!
Present your new medication at the 35th ECNP Congress!
There is a special symposium dedicated to clinical trials of new compounds, including proof of concept and post-marketing studies, using data from human trials.

Deadline to submit your proposal: 19 May 2022.
Hot Topic Lectures
Here’s your chance to present your most recent research at the 2022 ECNP Congress!
Submit your proposal for a Hot Topic Lecture. Proposals from various disciplines, including neurology and psychology are welcome!
More info
Campfire Sessions online
Be sure to check the online programme of the 35th ECNP Congress, as more and more sessions are being added.
The latest additions are a number of Campfire Sessions, in which experts closely interact on a certain topic with participants.
Sitting in a circle as if around a campfire – and without slides and screens – the expert, with the help of a moderator, will first introduce the topic followed by a conversation with the participants.
Register now!
Join the 35th ECNP Congress either in-person in Vienna or online! Register on or before 18 May and benefit from lower fees.

Interview with Ukranian psychologist Iryna Frankova
Trauma expertise desperately needed
Iryna Frankova is the chair of the ECNP Traumatic Stress Network. Temporarily on leave from Bogomets National Medical University in Kyiv she is currently in the Netherlands. ECNP press officer Tom Parkhill talked to her about the situation in Ukraine.
Read the full interview Find here also the recent interview with Tomasz Gondek about the Ukrainian refugee crisis in Poland.
Workshop on Clinical Research Methods 2022
The next ECNP Workshop on Clinical Research Methods will be held on 9-11 November 2022 in Barcelona, Spain. If you are an early career clinician, you can apply now to attend the Workshop.
The three-day workshop will take place at the Hospital Clinic of the University of Barcelona with several practical interactive sessions including issues of interest such as:
- Research in psychopharmacology
- Non-pharmacological research
- How to read and write a scientific paper
- How to start a successful scientific project and career

The deadline to apply is 15 June 2022.
Call for applications Best Negative Data Prize
The Best Negative Data Prize is a collaboration between ECNP and U.S.-based non-profit research organisation Cohen Veterans Bioscience, under the aegis of the Global Preclinical Data Forum (GPDF), to recognise published 'negative' scientific results or results of studies that do not confirm the expected outcome or original hypothesis.
The award is conferred at the 35th ECNP Congress, 15-18 October 2022, Vienna, Austria and comes with a EUR 10,000 prize provided by Cohen Veterans Bioscience.
For more details and how to apply:

Deadline: 30 April 2022
New ECNP Podcast: Andreas Reif
A new ECNP Podcast!
Andreas Reif, who studies molecular underpinnings of neuropsychiatric disorders, talks about his life in science and how science has sped up since he started his career.
In addition, he shares some advice on how to ensure a successful career start, elaborates on his participation in research networks and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on research and mental health.
Find the podcast here, or on Spotify, iTunes or Buzzsprout.
ECNP Citation Prize
We’re pleased to announce the winner of the 2022 ECNP Citation Prize:
Martin Madsen et al., ‘A single psilocybin dose is associated with long-term increased mindfulness, preceded by a proportional change in neocortical 5-HT2A receptor binding’ (Eur. Neuropsychopharmacol. 33, 2020, 71-80).
The ECNP Citation Prize recognises and encourages impactful original research in the ECNP journal European Neuropsychopharmacology and is awarded to the most cited research paper in the preceding two years
Congratulations to Martin Madsen and his co-authors!
To read the article, click here.
EBRA Consortium: open consultation
The EBRA Consortium has launched an open consultation on the Shared European Brain Research Agenda (SEBRA).
The aim of the consultation is to gather the perspectives of all key players in the brain area.
Leave your comments here.