32nd ECNP Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark
Have you already discovered the 2019 congress website? It has been filled with all the info that is currently available.
A number of plenary speakers have already confirmed their participation. Abstract submission will open this month, and...you can already register!

Application for exhibition space
The ECNP Congress includes Europe’s largest exhibition of products and services for the science and treatment of disorders of the brain, annually attended by some 5,000 researchers and clinicians. We invite you to join us!
The deadline to apply for exhibition space is 15 December 2018.
Looking back on Barcelona 2018
It's been a month already since our 31st ECNP Congress in Barcelona.
We are looking back on a successful meeting, full of stimulating talks, interactive sessions, high quality posters, and much more! Over 5,000 people participated, from 100 countries around the world. We hope, if you have attended, you had a good time as well!
Our congress photographer, Tobias Koch, has made a large number of beautiful pictures during the congress. A selection we have shared on our facebook page.
As we are continuously looking for ways to keep improving our congresses, receiving feedback is extremely helpful to us.
After the congress, a short survey was sent to all participants. We received many replies to the survey, with very positive feedback, which we are very happy with!
Do you have feedback you would still like to share? Or ideas for improvements?
Let us know!
New Frontiers Meeting 2019
10-11 March 2019 sees the second ECNP New Frontiers Meeting in Nice, France. The meeting focuses on digital health and the challenges and remarkable opportunities of this dynamic and rapidly evolving area, including:
- EU projects on digital technology
- Regulatory, patient/family association and ethical perspective on digital medicine
- Innovative use of digital medicine
Representatives from IT, pharma and medical devices industry, regulators, and patient and family associations are invited to attend this meeting to discuss different points of view on the opportunities and risks that digital medicine implies for treatment development for brain disorders.

The deadline to apply is 20 November 2018.
ECNP School Venice
The ECNP School of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychopharmacology is our week-long training course to encourage and spread excellence in clinical neuropsychopharmacology among child and adolescent psychiatrists.
The next school will be held in Venice, Italy, on 31 March-5 April 2019.
A select number of participants will be offered an interactive week with an international faculty of experts in basic and clinical paediatric neuropsychopharmacology.
You can still apply to be part of it! The deadline is 1 December 2018.

Winner free registration
ECNP participated in the 36th Brazilian Congress of Psychiatry in Brasilia with an exhibition booth in October. At the booth, people had the opportunity to win a free registration for the upcoming 32nd ECNP Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark.
We are very pleased to announce the winner: Felipe Figueiredo!
We hope you will enjoy the ECNP Congress next year!
ECNP Seminars 2019
The ECNP Seminar is an interactive training course for future regional leaders in neuropsychopharmacology. It offers participants the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills in a concentrated learning environment with local and international experts.
The Seminar is intended for European countries whose researchers and practitioners have limited opportunities to attend international meetings.
Around 50 participants attend, selected on the basis of their curriculum vitae and a short abstract (50-100 words).
If you are interested in organising a Seminar in your country in 2019, please find more information on our website.
The developing brain in health and disease
On 19-20 March next year, the Academy of Medical Sciences is convening a two day scientific meeting in Oxford, to explore key areas of neurodevelopmental research in a unique forum that promotes discussion and collaboration between disciplines, career stages and sectors.
The meeting will bring together an interdisciplinary mix of researchers, from world leading scientists to early career researchers, as well as other key players in the field, such as funders and industry.
Registration is free. For more information: https://acmedsci.ac.uk/developingbrainmeeting