Vienna 2020 - Congress update
Abstract submission
Would you like to be part of Europe’s largest meeting in applied brain research? Submit an abstract for the 2020 ECNP Congress in Vienna.

The deadline for abstract submission for poster presenters is 1 April.
Early registration deadline
Register on or before 15 April to benefit from the lower registration fees. Please see the registration pages for more information.

See you in Vienna!
New Medications Session: propose your topic
The New Medications Session is a symposium format, in which the freshest and best data on new medications will be presented, including proof of concept and post-marketing studies.
Are you interested in presenting your new medication at the 33rd ECNP Congress?
Please send us by e-mail, before 19 May 2020, the following details:
- A suggested speaker (name, institute, e-mail)
- A presentation title (max. 25 words)
- A summary explaining the content of the presentation (max. 250 words)
- A short motivation: why is it important that these findings are shared?
We accept submissions from both academia and industry.
Application is now open!
The next ECNP Workshop on Clinical Research Methods will take place on 11-13 November 2020, Barcelona, Spain.
This ECNP Workshop is aimed especially at introducing early career clinicians (psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, etc.) to research methodology and promoting a critical approach to the scientific literature that is particularly relevant to clinical practice.
A number of internationally renowned researchers will share their professional experiences to help participants become familiar with the best practice principles of scientific research.
Are you interested to participate in this event?

Deadline is 9 June 2020. There is a maximum of 50 places available.
The Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology is now published
Great news!
The Springer Handbook 'Good Research Practice in Non-Clinical Pharmacology and Biomedicine' on quality in preclinical research has just been published.
Many authors from the European Quality In Preclinical Data project (EQIPD) have contributed, including Anton Bespalov, Martin C. Michel and Thomas Steckler.
You can download for free individual chapters or the whole book by clicking on this link.
Visit this page to discover more about the EQIPD project.
Coronavirus update
Recent events strongly suggest the coronavirus situation is getting worse by the day, with every indication that by this time next week it will be even worse – perhaps considerably.
More and more institutions and companies are imposing travel bans or travel warnings, or are requiring self-isolation. ECNP too feels its public health responsibilities oblige it to support these containment and prevention strategies.
For all these reasons the ECNP Executive Committee decided to cancel the ECNP Workshop (Nice, 5-8 March 2020), the ECNP New Frontiers in Digital Health Meeting (Nice, 8 -10 March 2020), and the ECNP School of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychopharmacology (Venice, 22-27 March 2020).
For further information, visit our website or contact us via email or by telephone: +31 88 75 69 555.