E-news August 2023
Neuroscience Applied
New open access articles

Check out the latest articles in Neuroscience Applied. All are open access and free to download.

Neuroscience Applied is ECNP’s fully open-access scientific journal, targeting the intersection between neuroscience, applications and new treatment horizons.

It is still possible to have your papers published free of charge, if you submit it before the end of 2023.

Best Negative Data Prize in Clinical Neuroscience
Meet the 2023 winner

The 2023 Best Negative Data Prize in Clinical Neuroscience goes to Boushra Dalile et al. for ‘Extruded wheat bran consumption increases serum short-chain fatty acids but does not modulate psychobiological functions in healthy men: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial’ in Frontiers in Nutrition, May 2022, Volume 9.

The presentation of the prize will take place at the 36th ECNP Congress on Monday 9 October 2023 at 14.00 CET, where Dr Boushra will present the results of her paper.

Established by ECNP in collaboration with Cohen Veteran Bioscience (CVB), the award recognises those who have made exceptional contributions to CNS treatment science by publishing clinical research with negative findings.

The award comes with a cash prize of USD 10,000 provided by CVB.

The future of psychiatric neuroimaging
Online Machine Learning School

ECNP is pleased to announce the return of the Online Machine Learning School, led by the Nikolaos Koutsouleris, Germany, and in collaboration with the ECNP Neuroimaging Network.

From 25-29 September 2023, immerse yourself in the cutting-edge world of machine learning, with a special focus on its applications in psychiatric neuroimaging.

Don't miss this opportunity to explore the future of precision medicine and discover the potential of ground-breaking diagnostic, predictive, and prognostic tools. All levels, from clinician scientists to early career researchers, are warmly welcomed: no coding experience is required!

Secure your spot now! Register here and embark on a transformative journey into the future of psychiatric research.

Deadline: 10 September 2023

36th ECNP Congress 2023
Why you can's miss it!

Sheena Josselyn is looking forward to talking as a Keynote speaker at the 36th ECNP Congress 2023 about her latest research on memory, as well as the Alba Network Diversity & Inclusion Session, where she’ll present on 'Women in neuroscience': is the problem solved?

Aiste Lengvenyte, chair of the ECNP Early Career Advisory Panel (ECAP), has some good advice for anyone interested in the latest trends in neuroscience. In her recent video message, she recommends attending the Plenary Lecture by Asya Rolls, Israel, on the brain’s influence on immunity, as well as ECNP's Got Talent.

36th ECNP Congress 2023
Beware of internet scams

Please be aware that there are commercial registration agencies, entirely unconnected to ECNP, which offer registration for the ECNP Congress via fake and misleading websites and e-mails. Some of these companies may even call to try to sell you registration by phone.

These organisations are not linked to ECNP and are using our name and/or logo unlawfully. Registering through them will result in you paying more and maybe even losing your payment entirely. If you are unsure whether a website you are about to use is ECNP’s, ask us!

The newsletter is out

Discover the latest breakthroughs in mental health treatment with REALMENT, an ambitious EU project supported by ECNP. By leveraging real-world big data from eHealth, biobanks, and national registries, combined with clinical trial data, REALMENT aims to enhance outcomes for severe mental disorders with an AI-powered clinical management platform.

Read the key news in this issue, including highlights from the REALMENT consortium meeting in Tallinn and the Stakeholder Forum. Read an exclusive interview with project co-ordinator Ole Andreassen and stay up to date on the latest publications and upcoming events that are shaping the future of mental health treatment.

New vacancy
Executive Director at EPA

The European Psychiatric Association (EPA) is looking for a new Executive Director to work with the EPA leadership to advance the mission and vision of the EPA, oversee the EPA’s day-to-day operations in its offices in Strasbourg and Brussels, and ensure compliance with the legal and administrative requirements in both France and Belgium.

View the full job description here and apply by 10 September 2023 at 23.59 CEST.

Psychiatric Drug Classifications and NbN
Share your thoughts

If you are an early career scientist, we would like to know your experience, views and needs concerning the Neuroscience-based Nomenclature (NbN) for psychiatric medications, especially relative to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) indication-based classification system and the traditional nomenclature of psychotropic drugs.

Just fill out this anonymous survey, which will take 5-7 minutes.

Please feel free to pass this on to other early career clinicals you may know.

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