EQIPD newsletter
EQIPD Quality System
EQIPD meets IMI-PainCare
EQIPD at the 33rd ECNP Congress Virtual
Campfire Session at the ECNP Congress
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EQIPD Quality System: invitation to test

EQIPD is completing the development of a novel research quality system that is intended to support the discovery and development of innovative therapies and that can be applied in both industry and academia. While the system is still in beta-testing phase, the consortium has released the white paper describing the key elements of the system and the concept behind.

We invite scientists and research groups to contact the EQIPD consortium and test the EQIPD Quality System: https://osf.io/vduze/.

New partnership

Announcement: EQIPD meets IMI-PainCare

The need for quality standards in preclinical research is a topic that has been gaining attention in the last years, especially in translational research. The IMI-PainCare consortium (https://www.imi-paincare.eu/) have reached out to EQIPD to collaborate in assessing the design and data analysis of their studies within the subgroups BioPain and TRiPP. This collaboration will ensure equivalent quality standards in preclinical research among their project members, thereby allowing for successful reproducibility, reducing failure rates, and lowering the time and costs associated. EQIPD welcomes IMI-Pain Care to the team and looks forward to the outputs of this collaboration.
33rd ECNP Congress Virtual on 12-15 September: exhibition and partners

EQIPD stand at the ECNP Congress

The EQIPD project is presenting at the exhibition of the 33rd ECNP Congress Virtual on 12-15 September 2020. Visit the stand to learn about the novel and free-to-use preclinical research quality system that EQIPD has developed, a tool that has been designed to boost innovation through the generation of robust and reliable preclinical data, while being lean and effective and not becoming a burden that could negatively impact the freedom to explore scientific questions.

EQIPD has also developed tools to support users in implementing the system, and is preparing training support and assessment services for those who implement the quality system and seek formal accreditation.

Visit the virtual stand to get to know more about the project and contact the partners involved in the project.

The ECNP Congress annually attracts between 5,000 and 6,000 psychiatrists, neuroscientists, neurologists, psychologists and neurobiologists from 100 countries around the world, making it the largest meeting for applied and translational neuroscience in Europe and the leading showcase for new science in CNS treatment research in the world.
33rd ECNP Congress Virtual -e-news

Campfire session at the ECNP Congress

As part of the scientific programme of the 33rd ECNP Congress, the EQIPD project will host the Campfire Session ‘Don’t get lost in clinical translation: improved quality in preclinical data’ on Monday 14 September, 13.00-13.30. The session will start with consortium partner Lucas Noldus introducing the EQIPD project and presenting recent developments with respect to research guidelines, the quality management system, and the education platform. In this campfire session, unmet needs with respect to quality management tools and behavioural testing tools will be discussed with the congress participants.

Attendance is unlimited, but a maximum of 30 people can actively participate in the discussion. To be an active participant registration is required and will be available within the programme of the virtual congress 24 hours before the start of the session. Registration is on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis. Like all ECNP Congress material, the campfire will be available to congress delegates for on-demand viewing for three months after the congress.

Save the dates!

The next EQIPD General Assembly is planned for 23-24 September 2020, to be held virtually. The outcome of the meeting will be shared in the next newsletter, posted on the EQIPD website and on social media. Follow us on Twitter and we invite you to like/follow us on Facebook. Stay tuned!



Copyright © EQIPD 2020  Powered by ECNP
This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 777364. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.
This newsletter reflects only the authors’ views neither IMI JU nor EFPIA nor the European Commission are liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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