30th ECNP Congress
Scientific programme
Check out the online scientific programme for the 30th ECNP Congress in Paris for new additions. For the majority of the symposia a session outline is now available, highlighting the main topics of the symposium. A large number of speakers have submitted a biography and an abstract regarding their talk.
View the scientific programme
During the 30th ECNP Congress, there is childcare available at the congress venue. A professional child care agency, Tante Marloes, has been hired for this service.

The multilingual team will create a safe, creative and fun environment for all children aged 0-12 years old. They will provide a full range of play equipment and toys to let the children enjoy themselves throughout the day.
There will also be a relaxing space where children can calm down or sleep during a long day.
More information
ECNP Seminars 2018
Every year, ECNP organises a number of seminars in European developing-economy countries, whose researchers and practitioners have limited opportunities to attend international meetings.
The aim of the ECNP Seminar is to provide an interactive training course for future neuropsychopharmacology leaders in those countries. They offer participants the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills in a concentrated learning environment with local and international experts.
Would you like to organise an ECNP Seminar in your country in 2018? We are happy to assist you!
More information is available on our website.
Second edition of the Neuroscience-based Nomenclature launched
At the presidential symposium at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting in San Diego on 20-24 May, NbN taskforce chair and former ECNP president Joseph Zohar launched the second edition of the NbN. The new edition includes 22 new medications, totalling 130 medications. Translations into Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and French are underway.
The second edition accompanies a new child and adolescent version, the NbN-CA, piloted at the ECNP School of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychopharmacology in Venice on 2-7 April 2017. The NbN-CA is being prepared for general release shortly.
BBSRC-ECNP School on research reproducibility
Last April ECNP in partnership with the British Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) offered a five-day residential course on advanced methods for reproducible science at Cumberland Lodge in Windsor Great Park, UK. Thirty early career researchers from the UK and other European countries attended the course. ECNP sponsored ten places for European applicants.
During the five days, the student group connected well, working together and helping each other. Some new initiatives and collaborations were planned. At the end of the course the majority of the students indicated that the course would definitely affect the way they do research in the future. Students also noted how much they valued the chance to interact informally with tutors during meals and breaks, in addition to the Q&A sessions during the course.
Brain Prize 2018
The Lundbeck Foundation is looking for nominations for the Brain Prize. The Brain Prize is a € 1 million prize, recognising highly original and influential advances in research on the nervous system, covering all aspects from fundamental studies to research related to understanding and treatment of diseases of the brain and other parts of the nervous system.
The Prize may be awarded to one or shared by two or three scientists who have distinguished themselves through publication of outstanding results in the field of brain research. The prize may in extraordinary cases be awarded to four or more researchers.
Nominees can be of any nationality and working in any part of the world.
This Prize is intended to raise the visibility of neuroscience and to be a stimulus to this important field of research. The call for nominations is open until 15 September 2017.
For more information visit the Brain Prize website.