ECNP Supported Talks 2013
22 March 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria
'Impulsive and compulsive features in OCD and addiction' - Joseph Zohar
At: 12th Conference of College Private Psychiatry
27 June 2013 Lublin, Poland
'Perspective of schizophrenia treatment' - Istvan Bitter
At: Convention of the Polish Psychiatric Association
30 August 2013 Palanga, Lithuania
'Molecular genetics of substance use in general population' - Jaanus Harro
At: 8th Baltic Symposium on Biological Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology
27 September 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia
'Creative timing of psychotropic administration' - Joseph Zohar
At: 1st International conference on creative psychopharmacotherapy
23 October 2013, Brazil
'Psicofarmacologia: pespectivas para o futuro' - Joseph Zohar, Israel
At: 31st Brazilian Congress of Psychiatry