Neuroimaging Network

“We established a unique community focused on imaging techniques in psychiatric disorders across Europe sharing a combined meta-database for research and exchanging imaging methodologies”.
Nikolaos Koutsouleris and Paolo Brambilla
Chairs of the Network  

Mission statement/aimsNeuroimaging ECNP Network

The overarching aim of this network is to address the need for an integrated neuroimaging framework to facilitate a more coherent strategy for the use of imaging techniques in refining the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders. The specific objectives of the network are to:

  • Promote integration and collaboration between the current network centres and to plan for future expansion of the network
  • Harmonise and pool existing data from the network centres
  • Integrate genomic and brain imaging research techniques, with a particular view to improve diagnostic and therapeutic effectiveness in clinical psychiatry, specifically in terms of establishing their combined potential for early diagnosis, monitoring disease progression, predicting treatment response and evaluating novel therapeutic interventions


In 2008 the Executive Committee of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) officially approved the formation of networks of researchers as part of the ECNP Networks initiative. As part of this initiative the ECNP Neuroimaging Network was officially formed during the 21st Annual ECNP meeting in Barcelona in 2008.