ECNP e-news
34th ECNP Congress: programme is online
Call for Brainstorming Sessions
Apply for the next New Frontiers Meeting!
ECNP Schools Virtual 2021
ECNP new office address
33rd ECNP Congress Virtual: last days to enjoy the content
Most recent Editors's Choice article
Contact ECNP
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34th ECNP Congress Lisbon

Scientific congress programme

We are happy to announce that the 34th ECNP Congress provisional programme is now online!

Browse it here or click on the button below.

ECNP programme

The online programme has a number of filter/search options that offer the possibility to view it in different ways.

More sessions, such as Symposia, Educational Update Sessions, Brainstorming Sessions, Poster Sessions (with abstracts and ePosters) will be added once they become available. Biographies of the speakers are also included in the programme.
34th ECNP Congress Lisbon

Call for Brainstorming Sessions

The Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) is creating the programme for the next 34th ECNP Congress, 2-5 October 2021 and is looking forward to receiving from the ECNP members exciting proposals for Brainstorming Sessions!

During these interactive sessions, ECNP members have the unique opportunity to present an intriguing scientific question or problem that they want to explore.

Visit this page for more information on how to submit your proposals. The deadline is 15 February 2021.

We look forward to receiving your input!
ECNP New Frontiers in Digital Health Meeting

ECNP New Frontiers Meeting: apply now!

Apply for the VirtualNew Frontiers in Digital Health Meeting , 8-9 March 2021!

This meeting of experts and key stakeholders in digital health has become an essential platform for focused, high-level exchange at the intersection of research science and new treatment development.

Apply via the button below.

ECNP apply here

The deadline is 13 January 2021. There is no charge.


  • Digital therapeutics
  • Regulatory, patient and ethical perspective on digital health
  • The use of digital tools in clinical trials

This meeting is designed for all representatives from the IT, pharma and medical devices industries, regulators, and patient and family associations who are interested in how digital health is going to change the way clinical trials are run and the use of digital therapeutics for brain disorders.

More information is available here.

ECNP Schools

ECNP Schools

The ECNP Schools are designed to encourage excellence in future leaders in clinical neuropsychopharmacology by propagating best practices over a week of learning and exchange with international experts. Every year, two ECNP Schools are held, in general neuropsychopharmacology, and child and adolescent psychopharmacology.

For both schools, you can now apply!

ECNP apply here
  1. The ECNP School of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychopharmacology Virtual, 24-26 March 2021
    Target group: early career child and adolescent psychiatrists.

    Deadline: 12 January 2021.

  2. The ECNP School of Neuropsychopharmacology Virtual, 30 June-2 July 2021
    Target group: early career psychiatrists.

    Deadline: 9 February 2021.

ECNP new office

ECNP has moved!

ECNP has a new office location!

Our new office address is Daltonlaan 400, 3584 BK Utrecht, the Netherlands.

You can reach us via our new phone number +31 85 7826 670.

33rd ECNP Congress Virtual - online programme

33rd ECNP Congress Virtual: access content

If there are still sessions from the 33rd ECNP Congress Virtual you haven't watched yet, this is your last chance!

Remember that participants already registered can still enjoy all the congress content until Tuesday 15 December via the congress virtual platform.

  • 190 speakers
  • Nearly 100 sessions
  • 850 posters
  • The very best in CNS treatment research! 

Editor's Choice article

Have you already discovered the most recent monthly article pick by Editor-in-Chief Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg?

Click on the link to read it:

It is available for free for 12 months on ScienceDirect! 

More info about the journal of ECNP, European Neuropsychopharmacology, can be found here.

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