Scientific Programme Committee
The chair of the Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) is appointed by the Executive Committee for three consecutive ECNP Congresses. For each congress, the chair SPC submits a proposal of

committee members to the Executive Committee for approval, taking into account scientific standing of potential candidates, as well as the overall geographical and disciplinary balance. The independent SPC is charged with ensuring that the programme is of a uniformly high standard and balanced across the field of applied and translational neuroscience.
Members 38th ECNP Congress, 11-14 October 2025, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Barbara Franke, The Netherlands, Chair
David Baldwin, United Kingdom, Chair Educational Committee
Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, Germany, Editor-in-chief journal Neuroscience Applied
Eduard Vieta, Spain, Editor-in-chief journal European Neuropsychopharmacology
Francesco Bavato, Switzerland, representative Early Career Academy
Jelena Brasanac, Germany, representative Early Career Academy
Francesca Cirulli, Italy
John Cryan, Ireland, Past-chair SPC
Iryna Frankova, Ukraine
Christophe Gauld, France
Edna Gruenblatt, Switzerland
Emily Holmes, Sweden
Hilleke Hulshoff-Pol, The Netherlands
Simone Macrì, Italy
Inez Myin-Germeys, Belgium
Marie-Claude Potier, France
J. Antoni Ramos-Quiroga, Spain
Members 39th ECNP Congress, 10-13 October 2026, Munich, Germany
Barbara Franke, The Netherlands,
David Baldwin, United Kingdom,
Chair Educational Committee
Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, Germany,
Editor-in-chief Journal Neuroscience Applied
Eduard Vieta, Spain,
Editor-in-chief Journal ENP
Stefan Jerotic, Serbia,
Representative Early Career Academy
Anna Julia Krupa, Poland,
Representative Early Career Academy
Lukoye Atwoli, Kenya
Ulrich Ebner-Priemer, Germany
Nael Nadif Kasri, The Netherlands
Christoph Kraus, Austria
Merete Nordentoft, Denmark
Beatrice Passani, Italy
Michelle Roche, Ireland
Lindsey Sinclair, United Kingdom
Eus van Someren, The Netherlands
Silvia Alemany Sierra, Spain
Thomas Wolfers, Germany
Members of previous Scientific Programme Committees