PL.05 From genes to clinical phenotype in ADHD across the lifespan
Barbara Franke, The Netherlands
Barbara Franke is a Professor of Molecular Psychiatry at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, and a Principal Investigator at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour in Nijmegen. Educated as a molecular biologist in Giessen (Germany) and Utrecht (Netherlands), and trained as a geneticist, she leads a research group focused on understanding the genetic contribution to (neurodevelopmental) psychiatric disorders, especially attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In addition to gene-identification approaches involving common and rare genetic variation, she uses bioinformatics, neuroimaging (genetics), as well as cell and small animal models in interdisciplinary approaches to map the biological pathways leading from gene to disease, which she will talk about in her lecture. It is her goal to make genetic information useful for improving the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders. She coordinates several interdisciplinary international consortia, including the International Multicentre persistent ADHD Collaboration (IMpACT), the ECNP Network ‘ADHD across the Lifespan’, and two EU-funded consortia on ADHD and related phenotypes, Aggressotype on aggressive behaviour (www.aggressotype.eu) and MiND on ADHD and autism (www.mind-project.eu . She also is a member of the management team of the ENIGMA Consortium on neuroimaging (genetics). Barbara Franke has received several prizes and awards for her work. She has published over 300 papers, her current H-factor is 64. For a full CV, please see http://www.ru.nl/people/donders/franke-b/ .