ECNP took the decision to go virtual with the ECNP School of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychopharmacology in March 2021. This means that there was no meeting in Venice, and all content was delivered online via pre-recorded lectures from Friday 19 March to Tuesday 23 March 2021 and live sessions with faculty and peers from Wednesday 24 March to Friday 26 March 2021.
The ECNP School of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychopharmacology has been established to encourage and spread excellence in clinical neuropsychopharmacology among child and adolescent psychiatrists.
A select number of participants was offered an interactive meeting with an international faculty of experts in basic and clinical paediatric neuropsychopharmacology.
Participants were selected by the coordinator of the school, with two to three potential candidates per country, on the basis of their career potential. A maximum of 50 early career psychiatrists were accepted.
View the complete programme here.

Participants of ECNP School of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychopharmacology Virtual 2021