
Members per country

The geographical distribution of ECNP members is: 

Members per country
Country Total
Albania 6
Argentina 9
Armenia, Republic of 3
Australia 40
Austria 22
Belgium 34
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
Brazil 27
Bulgaria 8
Canada 52
Chile 5
 China 6
Colombia 3
 Costa Rica 3
Croatia  5
Czech Republic 11
Denmark 47
Dominica Republic  10
 Ecuador 2
Egypt, Arab Rep. 2
Estonia 9
Finland 9
France 40
 Georgia 5
Germany 125
Greece 11
Guatemala   2
 Honduras  1
Hong Kong SAR, China 2
Hungary 12
Iceland 2
India 5
 Indonesia  2
 Iraq  2
Ireland 28
Israel 25
Italy 86
Japan 10
Jordan 8
Korea, Rep. 25
 Kuwait 1
Latvia 8
Lithuania 7
 Luxembourg  1
 Malaysia  4
Mexico 26
 Moldova 3
Morocco 2
Netherlands, The 92
New Zealand 9
 Nigeria 1
North Macedonia
Norway 13
 Pakistan  4
Philippines 7
Poland 43
Portugal 12
 Qatar  1
Romania 36
Russian Federation 3
Saudi Arabia  9
Serbia 25
Singapore 4
Slovak Republic 1
Slovenia 3
South Africa 11
Spain 53
Sweden 38
Switzerland 57
 Tajikistan  1
Thailand 6
Türkiye 53
Ukraine 5
United Kingdom 109
United States 84
Total 1443

The list above is from November 2024.