General terms and conditions
For reasons beyond its control (such as wars, strikes, lockouts, riots and other civil disturbances, nature events such as earthquakes, floods and droughts, pandemics, virus outbreaks, and any other causes, including the deterioration of any existing events), ECNP has the right to immediately alter or cancel the activities or events or any of the arrangements, timetables, plans or other items relating directly or indirectly thereto. No party involved shall be entitled to any compensation for damages that result from such alteration or cancellation.
Furthermore, with the exception of any wilful damage or gross negligence committed by ECNP, ECNP shall at no time be liable for any direct or indirect damage suffered by the parties, including consequential and immaterial damage, caused by failure to comply with any provision of these activities or events.
In the case of problems related to situations other than described above, the parties involved should get in contact with the ECNP indicating what the nature of the problem is. Disputes arising hereunder are governed by Dutch law.