Abstract submission
It is no longer possible to submit an abstract.
The deadline was 24 October 2024.
Who can submit an abstract?
Are you an Early Career Scientist in Europe that has not been to the ECNP Workshop before, your work has not yet been presented and you are eager to pursue a research career and interested in getting a better understanding of the workshop topics? If yes, then you are invited to apply by submitting an abstract for poster presentation.
An abstract is eligible for review when the abstract is submitted according to the guidelines on or before the deadline.
All submitted abstracts will be evaluated by a scientific review committee. The applicant will be informed of the committee’s decision by e-mail no later than 20 December 2024.
The abstracts will be reviewed according to the scientific standard of the journal Neuroscience Applied and all accepted abstracts will be published in a supplement to the journal. The supplement will be available on the journal website. Neuroscience Applied is an open access journal. All published abstracts will be given a Creative Commons license of CC BY-NC-ND by the publisher.
View guidelines for abstract submission.
Short videos are available to help you write and submit your abstract in the best way. Click on the image below to watch them.

During the application process, in addition to their abstract, applicants were asked to upload the following:
- Copy of identity card
- Signed letter from their institute to confirm that they meet the definition of an 'Early Career Scientist'. A standard form that can be used to confirm the status of Early Career Scientist can be found here.
All documents need to be in English.