Abstracts should be prepared strictly according to the following instructions. Changes cannot be made after the abstract submission deadline.
- Abstracts should include:
- brief introduction to the research question
- aim(s) of the study
- methods used including statistical analysis methods
- summary of results containing real data and the outcome of statistical analyses
- conclusions
- Abstracts must report on high quality research in the field of neuropsychopharmacology and/or (applied) neuroscience that has not been published in whole elsewhere.
- The statements, particularly in the conclusion section, should be balanced.
- No abbreviations or trade names are allowed in the title. However, the generic name may be used.
- Use standard abbreviations for well-established neuropsychopharmaceuticals. Place unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears. Clearly identify all neuropsychopharmaceuticals used.
- Please indicate the topics of your abstract in ranking order making the first topic the most relevant.
- A disclosure on potential conflicts of interest (acknowledgement of funding) is requested when submitting an abstract.
- Abstracts must be submitted in English (UK).
- We encourage you to use the Neuroscience-based Nomenclature in the abstract.
- The title should not exceed 20 words.
- Write the title in lower case letters (except the first letter) and do not put a dot at the end.
- Abstracts should have a minimum of 450 and a maximum of 500 words (excluding references).
- The use of underlined is not permitted. Words that need emphasis should be bold or italics type.
- Only one table is allowed, please note that graphs and pictures cannot be included. Tables cannot be inserted with copy/paste. Please create your table with the help of the ‘table button’ (top left, middle button).
- Insert the author's initials, last name and institute details as indicated on the online form. Do not add any titles or degrees: Prof, Dr, etc.
- The person submitting the abstract should be the author presenting the poster (presenting author). All communication will be done with the presenting author.
References (optional)
- You can include up to five references to previous publications. In the body text, a publication should be referred to by a consecutive number between square brackets, i.e. [1], [2], [3], [4] and [5]. References indicated in the reference list, that are not linked to the body text will be deleted by the publisher.
- Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references. Only published articles and those in press (the journal should be stated) may be included; unpublished results and personal communications should be cited as such in the body text.
- It is the author’s responsibility that the references are provided in accordance with the journal Neuroscience Applied referencing guidelines.
Examples of references
- Reference to a journal publication
[1] Chamberlain, S.R., Hampshire, A., Muller, U., Rubia, K., Del Campo, N., 2009. Atomoxetine modulates right inferior frontal activation during inhibitory control. A pharmacological functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Biol. Psychiatry 65(4), 550-555.
- Reference to the DSM-5
[1] American Psychiatric Association, 2013. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fifth ed.
American Psychiatric Association Publishing, Washington.
- Reference to a book
[1] Strunk Jr., W., White, E.B., 1979. The Elements of Style, third ed. Macmillan, New York.
- Reference to a chapter in a book
[1] Williams, K., 1980. Pharmacological dilemmas in psychiatry, in: Weaver, R., Smith, L.K., Perspective on psychiatry, second ed. Theme Press, Cornwall, 301-315.
- Reference to a website
[1] McArthur, J., 2014. The link between schizophrenia and dementia, a new perspective. Available from: [Accessed: 12 May 2015].
- Reference to a DOI
[1] De Jong, A., 2015. Developments in the field of neuropsychopharmacology. Pharm. Journal, this issue,
For more examples please have a look at the model abstracts file.
An abstract is eligible for review when the abstract is submitted according to the guidelines on or before the deadline.
All submitted abstracts will be evaluated by a scientific review committee. The author will be informed of the committee’s decision by e-mail no later than 20 December 2024.
When your abstract is accepted you will have to give a poster presentation on this abstract during one of the poster sessions at the ECNP Workshop 2025.
From the accepted abstracts, 20 Early Career Scientists will be invited to present their research during one of the main sessions at the ECNP Workshop 2025.
The abstracts will be reviewed according to the scientific standard of the journal Neuroscience Applied and all accepted abstracts will be published in a supplement to the journal. The supplement will be available on the journal website. Neuroscience Applied is an open access journal. All published abstracts will be given a Creative Commons license of CC BY-NC-ND by the publisher.