Provisional Programme


  Monday 20 January 2025
 Time                       Session 
 13.30-14.00 Registration and coffee            
 14.00-14.30 Welcome, introduction, and the Precision Psychiatry Roadmap Initiative
 14.30-15.15 Opening lecture: Bridging the gaps towards precision psychiatry: mechanistic biomarkers for early detection and intervention
Discussion and Q&A
 15.45-16.15 Break
Session 1: Biomarker development and validation
1. Biomarker selection and alignment in a global prospective cohort study of clinical high risk for psychosis
 16.45-17.15 2. Stimulating future precision psychiatry biomarker development programs
3. Industry perspective and application of precision psychiatry biomarkers
Discussion and conclusions day 1
Networking dinner



  Tuesday 21 January 2025
 Time                       Session 
 08.30-12.00 Session 2: Subtyping patient populations        
 08.30-09.00 1. Diagnostic formulations in precisions psychiatry
 09.00-09.30 2. Brain-derived measures for psychosis biotyping
3. Neuro-imaging markers for precision psychiatry: depression as an example
 10.00-10.30 Coffee break
4. An evolving biology-informed framework for mental disorders
Panel discussion with speakers and a representative from EMA and/or FDA
 12.00-12.45 Lunch
Session 3: Targeted interventions in stratified patient groups
1. Immuno-metabolic depression: strategies and treatment options
2. Patient stratification and psychotherapy
3. The future of precision psychiatry: an industry perspective
 14.15-14.55 Panel discussion with speakers, a patient representative, payers’ representative
 14.55-15.00 Conclusions and closing words