
Therapygenetic effects of 5-HTTLPR on cognitive-behavioral therapy in anxiety disorders: A meta-analysis
Miriam A Schiele, Andreas Reif et al.
Recommended by Ulrike Lueken, Germany: `Revisiting therapygenetics of cognitive-behavioral therapy in anxiety disorders: does 5-HTTLPR matter?`
Augmenting extinction learning with D-cycloserine reduces return of fear: a randomized, placebo-controlled fMRI study
Claudia Ebrahimi, Johanna Gechter, et al.
Recommended by Ulrike Lueken, Germany: `D-Cycloserine attenuates amygdala activation during the return of fear: putative mechanism underlying augmented exposure therapy for anxiety disorders?`
The Overlapping Neurobiology of Induced and Pathological Anxiety: A Meta-Analysis of Functional Neural Activation
Chavanne AV, Robinson OJ.
Recommended by Donatella Marazziti, Italy: `This study highlights that induced anxiety may constitute a model to deepen knowledge on the neurobiology of some anxiety disorders.´
Flavonoid compounds isolated from Tibetan herbs, binding to GABAA receptor with anxiolytic property
Liu Z, Silva J, Shao AS, Liang J, Wallner M, Shao XM, Li M, Olsen RW.
Recommended by Donatella Marazziti, Italy: `This study suggests that the flavones are novel GABAAR ligands and, as such, therapeutic potential candidates for anxiety.´
Neurosteroids as novel antidepressants and anxiolytics: GABA-A receptors and beyond
Charles F Zorumski, Steven M Paul, Douglas F Covey, Steven Mennerick
Recommended by Rainer Rupprecht, Germany: `This paper discusses recent developments in the field of neurosteroids for treating anxiety and mood disorders.`
PTSD is associated with neuroimmune suppression: evidence from PET imaging and postmortem transcriptomic studies
Shivani Bhatt, et al.
Recommended by Rainer Rupprecht, Germany: `This paper investigates microglia PET imaging in delineating pathophysiology in PTSD.`
Current and Novel Psychopharmacological Drugs for Anxiety Disorders
Borwin Bandelow
Recommended by Vasilios G. Masdrakis, Greece: `This is a comprehensive and informative review regarding current and novel psychopharmacological treatments for anxiety disorders.`
Quality of English inpatient mental health services for people with anxiety or depressive disorders: Findings and recommendations from the core audit of the National Clinical Audit of Anxiety and Depression
David Baldwin, et al.
Recommended by Vasilios G. Masdrakis, Greece: `This is an informative report on the quality of English mental health services for people with anxiety or depressive disorders.`